I believe in the power of public advocacy, and an increasing number of studies demonstrate the value of CEOs speaking vocally, transparently, and publicly about common issues we face. In addition, influential stakeholders (investors, non-governmental organizations, governments) are reinforcing their own expectations of CEO activism and company transparency.
I have spoken at over 100 venues, ranging from high-school classes, colleges, and companies to Royal Galas and high-level United Nations panels. The video above is a montage of select engagements. If you are interested in having me speak at your organization, contact me.
The video above is an abridged (23 minutes) presentation from a one-hour session delivered to the first-ever Virtual UN Summit (2024) for Clark Scholars at Manhattanville University.
The video above is the opening keynote address (25 minutes) for the first-ever Water Summit (2024) hosted by the premier International Society of Beverage Technologists.
The video above is a video podcast interview with Travis Loop, Founder of WaterLoop.org, and former Head of Communications for the US EPA Office of Water. The topic is corporate water stewardship and is approximately 40 minutes long.
The video above is a Zoom webinar I was asked to do to help Boards and the C-suite understand the importance of water stewardship. It is approximately 25 minutes long.
The video above is the recording of a provocative panel on Water Safety with Q&A for World Water Week at Home 2020, moderated by Dan Bena, with panelists from the World Health Organization, World Vision, and Safe Water Network. It is approximately 25 minutes long.